What’s On!

  • 1st ANZAC day Beach Sprint Regatta at Golden Bay (supported by MFET)

    On the 25th of April, students from Norwood International High School (Australia), Saint Margaret’s College and Christchurch Boys High School (both New Zealand) joined students from Junior College for the ANZAC day Beach Sprint Regatta at Golden Bay. The University of Malta Rowing Club organised the event. Junior College has been invited to keep in contact with the respective schools for a potential collaboration of similar events in the future. In total 49 people arrived in Malta including, students, parents, coaches and academic staff. The event received support from the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade (MFET). This is an annual event with the next one taking place on 25th April 2024.

  • Virtual Youth Forum 17.9.22: Testimonjanzi

    Il-Forum Virtwali taż-Żgħażagħ kien avveniment onlajn li ttella’ nhar is-17 ta’ Settembru 2022 bit-tema: “Irrid inżomm kuntatt: l-Ilsien Malti, il-Kultura u l-Identità”. Kien l-ewwel forum virtwali tax-xorta tiegħu u l-għan prinċipali tiegħu kien li jlaqqa’ żgħażagħ Maltin mid-dinja kollha, kemm jekk huma dixxendenti ta’ Maltin li jgħixu barra minn Malta li forsi qatt ma żaru ’l gżejjer Maltin jew żgħażagħ li twieldu Malta imma li bħalissa qed jgħixu barra minn xtutna.

    In-numru ta’ parteċipanti fil-Forum kien inkoraġġanti u l-esperjenza waħda pożittiva. Il-Forum ser ikun il-bażi għal kwalunkwe azzjoni futura li tista’ tittieħed mill-Ministeru speċjalment fejn għandhom x’jaqsmu ż-żgħażagħ. Sibu hawn taħt dak li qalu żewġ żgħażagħ, Jordan De Bono (mill-Ġappun) u Michaela Battaglia (mill-Istati Uniti) dwar l-esperjenza tagħhom waqt dan l-avveniment.


    Jordan De Bono​

    Michaela Battaglia

    Stqarrija għall-istampa

    L-ewwel Forum Virtwali għaż-Żgħażagħ Maltin li Jgħixu barra minn Malta​

  • TVM

    TVM logo

    TVM għandu sezzjoni on demand u min irid jista’ jara l-aħbarijiet minn fuq dan is-sit:


  • Aġenzija Żgħażagħ tniedi s-serje l-ġdida tagħha ta ‘podcast’ ‘Roots & Routes’

    Din l-inizjattiva tfittex li tistabbilixxi u ttejjeb il-konnessjonijiet ma’ żgħażagħ Maltin li jgħixu barra.  Intervisti issa disponibbli permezz tal-link li ġej: 


  • 50th anniversary since the laying of the foundation stone of Dar l-Emigrant

    February 10, 2021, marked the 50th anniversary since the laying of the foundation stone of Dar l-Emigrant, Castille Place, Valletta.

    “A permanent symbol of this country’s tribute to Maltese emigrants and a monument witnessing Malta’s bond with them” 

    (Charles Buttigieg, February 13, 2021)

    “The history of migration from these islands, especially post-war migration, is now to a great extent the history of the Emigrants’ Commission. That commission was providentially fortunate in that,  since 1953, it has had as its driving force Mgr Philip Calleja, who, since then, has dedicated his priestly life to migrants and to all people whose life has been affected by emigration.”

    (Fr Lawrence Attard OP, June 24, 1975)


  • Roots & Routes

    Invitation to young Maltese living abroad

    Roots and Routes

  • University of Malta: An introduction to the Maltese Language

    For more information you are invited to visit the following web site:

    MAL0011 – An Introduction to the Maltese Language 1: Survival Level
    Lectures will be online on ZOOM every Mondays between 09:00 – 11:00. (Timetable is subject to change)

    MAL0012 – An Introduction to the Maltese Language 2: Basic Level
    Lectures will be held online on ZOOM every Thursday between 12:00 – 14:00. (Timetable is subject to change)

    Kindly note that the above online course is against standard payment.​

  • Riżorsi interattivi għat-tagħlim tal-Malti