Message of good wishes for Christmas and New Year by Hon. Ian Borġ, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade for Maltese living abroad (2022-2023)

Dear all, This is my first message to you as Minister responsible for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade. We have got to the end of another year, a year full of difficult challenges, both for us, the Maltese, as well as for all of humanity around the globe.  The challenges were various, especially those […]

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Recorded message of good wishes for Christmas and New Year by His Excellency George Vella for Maltese living abroad (2022-2023)

Fellow Maltese and Gozitans living abroad, greetings, I welcome with great pleasure this annual occasion to send you my best wishes for this Christmas season, as well as to give some thought to its significance and value. I firmly believe that despite the geographical distance that separates you from Malta and Gozo, you still feel […]

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End of year Message by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Malta to the Maltese Living Abroad (2021-2022)

Dear citizens of Malta and Gozo, While you might live miles away from the Maltese Islands, we are sure that you carry a piece of Malta in your hearts wherever you go. Regrettably,  this is the second consecutive year that we are celebarating Christmas and New Year amid Covid-19 restrictions, albeit in varying ways.  We […]

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Recorded message of good wishes for Christmas and New Year 2021 by H.E. George Vella, President of Malta, for Maltese living abroad (2021-2022)

Fellow Maltese, Despite the physical distance, and the time you have spent away from these Islands, you remain close to us both in thought and in our hearts. I am therefore pleased to take this opportunity to share these few words with you and wish you and your loved ones good wishes at this very […]

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Message from the Prime Minister of Malta Dr. Robert Abela to Maltese Living Abroad (2020-2021)

Qed nibgħat dan il-messaġġ għall-ewwel darba f’bħala Prim Ministru tal-Maltin u Għawdxin. Ninsabu kemm ninsabu ’l bogħod minn xulxin, nibqa’ dejjem imsaħħar bil-valuri sbieħ li jgħaqqduna u li sawru l-identita’ tagħna bħala Maltin matul il-milja tas-snin. Dawn il-valuri ta’ poplu bieżel u reżiljenti ħarġu fid-deher matul is-sena li waslet biex tintemm. Sena li matulha d-dinja […]

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Christmas and New Year’s Eve 2021 message from the Hon. Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, to Maltese Living Abroad (2020-2021)​

Dear Countrymen, I would have liked to visit you in recent months, but I couldn’t due to COVID-19. I hope that in the coming months, I would be able to visit you. I must tell you that whenever I visit other countries, especially where there are Maltese and Gozitans, it’s as if I’m visiting not […]

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